This study aimed to determine the best-fit model for school effectiveness as influenced by relational leadership, strategic planning, and financial management of school heads in public elementary schools of Region XII. This research employed a structural equation model (SEM) with 400 respondents from Sarangani, General Santos, Koronadal, and South Cotabato divisions who comprised the sample through stratified random technique. Moreover, the employed adapted survey questionnaires underwent modifications, and reliability and validity tests. This descriptive and causal investigation employed statistical measures such as mean, standard deviation, Pearson product-moment correlation, and structural equation model (SEM). Results indicated high levels of relational leadership among school heads, characterized by active, positive, and aware behaviors. Strategic planning, involving stakeholders, communication, and a clear vision and mission, was also rated very high, as was financial management based on experience, education, and training of school heads. School effectiveness—measured by school climate, administration, teacher quality, community relationships, and educational practices—was significantly correlated with relational leadership, strategic planning, and financial management. Model 3 was identified as the best-fit model, highlighting relational leadership as a core factor in driving school effectiveness, with strategic planning and financial management as important mediators. The study suggests that integrating these factors is crucial for enhancing school performance and offers insights for educational policymakers in the Department of Education to design programs that bolster the effectiveness of public elementary schools.
SDG #4: Quality Education
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v12i2.5830
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