Jesrene Vale V. Calong, Lyndon A. Quines


This quantitative research study intended to determine the best-fit structural model for the pedagogical competence of public elementary school teachers in Region XII in relation to emotional intelligence, empowerment, and job commitment. This research employed a structural equation model (SEM) with 400 respondents from Sarangani, General Santos, Koronadal, and South Cotabato divisions selected through stratified random technique. Moreover, the researcher used adapted validated survey questionnaires as the primary data collection tool. This descriptive and causal investigation employed statistical measures such as mean, standard deviation, Pearson product-moment correlation, and structural equation model (SEM). The study found that the levels of emotional intelligence, empowerment, job commitment, and pedagogical competence were very high. On top of that, results showed that there were significant correlations between emotional intelligence and pedagogical competence, empowerment and pedagogical competence, and job commitment and pedagogical competence. Further, each exogenous variable significantly predicted pedagogical competence. Only Model 3 met all the requirements to be the best-fit model that predicts pedagogical competence out of the three (3) generated models. Thus, this study revealed the most relevant model for identifying and addressing the various aspects of pedagogical competence necessary for public elementary school teachers' teaching efficiency and effectiveness.

SDG #4: Quality Education


educational management, emotional intelligence, empowerment, job commitment, pedagogical competence, structural equation model, public elementary school teachers, Region XII, Philippines

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v12i2.5833


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