Joie Claire Mugabekazi, Jacqueline Mukanziza, Prudence Nizeyimana, Philogene Manirahari


In an increasingly interconnected world, the ability to think critically and communicate effectively has become paramount for success in both academic and real-life contexts. Primary education serves as a foundational stage where these essential skills can be nurtured and developed. Traditional teaching methods, often characterized by rote memorization and individual work, do not adequately prepare students for the collaborative and dynamic nature of today's society. This study explores the integration of collaborative learning strategies within the primary education curriculum to enhance critical thinking and communication skills among young learners. As educational paradigms shift towards more interactive and student-centered approaches, collaborative learning emerges as a vital tool for fostering engagement and deeper understanding. Additionally, various collaborative techniques, such as group projects, peer teaching, and cooperative learning, and their impact on students' ability to think critically and communicate effectively were examined. Through qualitative and quantitative literature review analyses, the benefits of collaborative learning environments, such as improved problem-solving abilities, increased motivation, and enhanced social skills, are also highlighted. The findings suggest that when students work together, they not only learn from each other but also develop essential life skills that are crucial for their future academic and personal success. Recommendations for educators include practical strategies for implementing collaborative learning in the classroom and suggestions for further research in this area. Ultimately, this exploration aims to inspire educators to rethink their instructional approaches and embrace the potential of collaborative learning as a cornerstone of modern education, ensuring that every child is equipped with the skills necessary for lifelong success.


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collaborative learning, critical thinking, communication skills, educational technology, primary education

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