Dimitrios Drosos, Chara Kottara, Eleni C. Gkika, Stamatios Ntanos


It is clear that in the last few years, E-learning in Greece, as well as abroad, has witnessed significant growth and transformation. With the rapid evolution of technology and the widespread use of platforms, the university student's satisfaction has become a crucial factor in determining the success and innovation of platform operators in the Greek and global markets. The research results show that global students' satisfaction amounted to a high score of 90.79%. The results were analyzed using the MUSA (Multicriteria Satisfaction Analysis) model. MUSA is an ordinal regression model based on the principles of multicriteria decision analysis. Given the analysis of the results, measuring students' satisfaction is a strategic tool for platform efficiency and growth.


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e-learning, platforms; students’ satisfaction; multicriteria analysis

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v12i3.5868


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