The use of both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods from a range of data sources provided of triangulation; observation, interview, and questionnaires to determine and administer on learning acknowledge managements for developing learning achievement of students with the appropriating characteristics of the 21-century teachers for strengthening the validity and reliability of the findings, which thus afforded a means of comparing data consistency, and regression validations for the purpose of investigating and comparing student’s perceptions and students’ attitudes of their teachers’ appropriating characteristics were designed. Using the Questionnaire on Teacher Characteristic (QTC) modified from the original Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction (QTI) - Australian 48-item version (Fisher, Fraser, & Wubbels, 1993) and students’ attitudes were assessed with a Test Of Characteristic-Related Attitude (TOCRA) modified from the original Test Of Science-Related Attitude (TOSRA) (Fraser, 1981) with a sample of 2,665 students from 105 schools throughout of Thailand of their 8 learning areas of 281 teachers’ appropriating characteristics in the 21-Century of Thailand 4.0 policies as a means of collecting empirical data, schools were randomly chosen from November 2015 to October 2016 of the Educational Service Office Area under the Office of Basic Educational Commission throughout of Thailand. It has found that each QTC scale differentiated significantly (p < 0.001) between classes. Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficients for the scales were adequate (0.78-0.87), while confirmatory factor analyses provided support for the theoretical framework behind the questionnaire (0.54-0.82 omitted). The authoritative profile was the most common characteristic style based on Thailand students' perceptions in their appropriating characteristics of the 21-century teachers. The multiple correlation R2 is significant for the QTC and considered associations with the TOCRA, and value indicates that 52% of the variance in students’ attitude. The memorizing learning areas of R2 value are higher than 50% and most of the appropriating characteristics of the 21-century teachers of eight learning areas, the R2 value indicate that less than 50%, especially; science and mathematics learning areas, and students in upper secondary level indicate that 12%. It was concluded that, if teachers’ appropriating characteristics in the 21-Century of Thailand 4.0 policies want to promote favourable student attitudes in their classes, they should ensure the presence of the former set of interpersonal characteristics.
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