The aim of this research is to determine the relationship between secondary school teachers' self-efficacy perceptions and their attitudes towards the profession. The research was carried out by using relational screening model among descriptive survey models. The target population of the study consists of teachers who work in the secondary schools in Kahramanmaraş province of Turkey in the education year of 2015-2016. The sample of the research consists of 384 teachers working in 15 secondary schools in the central districts of Dulkadiroğlu and Onikişubat. In the scope of the research, in order to determine the professional self-efficacy perceptions of secondary school teachers, the "Teacher Self-efficacy Scale" which was developed by Tschannen-Moran and Woolfolk Hoy (2001) and adapted to Turkish by Çapa, Çakıroğlu and Sarıkaya (2005); to measure their attitudes towards the profession, the "Teacher Attitude Scale" which was developed by Döş and Atalmış (2016); and to determine the personal characteristics of the participants, the "Personal Information Form" which was developed by the researcher are used. The statistical analysis of the data was implemented with SPSS 21.0 program. According to the results of the research, it was seen that the professional self-efficacy perceptions of the secondary school teachers were "quite adequate" and their professional attitudes were at the level of "totally agree". Finally, it is observed that secondary school teachers' perceptions of professional self-efficacy and attitudes are related at the medium level and positively; meaning that self-efficacy perceptions significantly and meaningfully predicted their professional attitude levels.
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