In this article, I would like summarize the book, entitled Essentials for Blended Learning: A Standards-Based Guide. This book has 204 pages. It was edited by Marjorie Vai and written by Jared Stein and Charles R. Graham. Jared Stein is the director of Knowledge Resources at Instructure. Charles R. Graham is a professor of Instructional Psychology and Technology at Brigham Young University. He also currently serves as the Associate Dean for the David O. McKay School of Education. This book was first published in New York in the United States of America in 1974 by Routledge. Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor and Francis Group, an informal business. The International Standard Book Number of this book is 978-0-415-63515-5 (hbk). The International Standard Book Number of the printed version of this book is 978-0-415-63516-2. The International Standard Book Number of the ebook version of this book is 978-0-203-07525-8.
Article visualizations:
Beatty J.B. (2013). Foreword. In Vai, M. (Edt.) 2014. Essentials for Blended Learning: A Standards-Based Guide.: p.p. ix-x. Routledge. New York: USA.
Stein, J. and Graham, C.R. (2014). Who is the Guide For? In Vai, M. (Edt.) 2014. Essentials for Blended Learning: A Standards-Based Guide. p.p. 2-3. Routledge. New York: USA.
Stein, J. and Graham, C.R. (2014). What is Blended Learning? In Vai, M. (Edt.) 2014. Essentials for Blended Learning: A Standards-Based Guide. p.p. 12-13. Routledge. New York: USA.
Stein, J. and Graham, C.R. (2014). Considerations for Blended Course Designs. In Vai, M. (Edt.) 2014. Essentials for Blended Learning: A Standards-Based Guide. p.28. Routledge. New York: USA.
Stein, J. and Graham, C.R. (2014). A Strategy of Iterative Development. In Vai, M. (Edt.) 2014. Essentials for Blended Learning: A Standards-Based Guide. p.72. Routledge. New York: USA.
Stein, J. and Graham, C.R. (2014). Assessments in Blended Environments. In Vai, M. (Edt.) 2014. Essentials for Blended Learning: A Standards-Based Guide. p.92. Routledge. New York: USA.
Stein, J. and Graham, C.R. (2014). Why Community-Driven Activities Matter. In Vai, M. (Edt.) 2014. Essentials for Blended Learning: A Standards-Based Guide. p.140. Routledge. New York: USA.
Stein, J. and Graham, C.R. (2014). Engaging and Orienting Students with A Lesson Introduction. In Vai, M. (Edt.) 2014. Essentials for Blended Learning: A Standards-Based Guide. p.164. Routledge. New York: USA.
Stein, J. and Graham, C.R.(2014). Making Improvement Part of the Process. In Vai, M. (Edt.) 2014. Essentials for Blended Learning: A Standards-Based Guide. p.p. 183-184. Routledge. New York: USA.
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