The study seeks to understand students’ opinion about implementation of co-operative learning approach. An experiment on co-operative learning approach was conducted on 78 students of standard IX studying in schools affiliated to the SSC Board and with English as the medium of instruction. It has used one tool, namely, Co-operative Learning Implementation Opinionnaire. It was found that on the whole, students are substantially satisfied with the implementation of co-operative learning approach. It was found that there is a gradual improvement in average group performance measured using a rubric in terms of (a) involvement in decision-making, (b) extent of social interaction, (c) involvement in group contribution, (d) tenacious behaviour and (e) group structure and operations over a period of 16 class periods. Students have also expressed several strengths and a few weaknesses of co-operative learning approach when data were analysed qualitatively. Some of the strengths of the co-operative learning approach that emerged from the qualitative data analysis include five categories, namely, (a) Social and Academic Support, (b) Learning to Take Up Roles and Responsibility, (c) Importance of Affective Qualities, (d) Pleasurable Experience and (e) Active Classroom. Similarly, the four major categories of weaknesses of the co-operative learning approach that emerged from the qualitative data analysis include (a) Negative Impact of Interdependence, (b) Unsuitability for Mathematics, (c) Lack of Confidence and (d) Indiscipline.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.818
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