Kada Belkebiche, Ahcene Ahmed, Mokrani Djamel


One important factor of mental factors in order to win and achieve sporting achievement is and it has, the sports psychologists study of topics related to psychological and mental problems of the sports activity, and for this, the researchers conducted a lot of experiments and research to uncover solutions for those problems. Including the topics of attention of the basketball players, and on this basis of our study, titled "Some semblance of attention relationship and accurate shooting from the free-throw line rather basketball players, class mid-category (16-18 years)”, where we have acquired the presence of different correlation relationships significance between some aspects of attention and precision shooting from the free throw, being an essential skill depend on any team to win the largest possible number of points and to win the team match must be on each player to focus until the last seconds of the game, because the critical and tough competition, especially the last stroke play on small molecules that occur the difference and determine the fate of each team in the game.


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aspects, attention - skill relationship, basketball players


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Copyright (c) 2018 Kada Belkebiche, Ahcene Ahmed, Mokrani Djamel

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