Gilad Goldshmidt


This article examines the unique educational approach of the Waldorf (Steiner) school, which is based upon integrating the arts in educational processes. The article first presents the theoretical and practical aspects of the fundamental approach of Rudolf Steiner, founder of this educational movement. The article then describes the practical implementation of this approach together with different aspects of integrating the arts in the Waldorf school pedagogy. Lastly, the field of music is brought as a case example for artistic educational work across the first through twelfth grades. The question of reciprocal relations between art and education is examined in light of this unique educational perspective. Questions pertaining to the influence of these relations upon Waldorf school graduates are raised in the article’s conclusion.


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Waldorf School, Waldorf pedagogy, Steiner School, art in education


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.848


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