The aim of the study was to conduct a critical analysis of the influence of curriculum dynamic mismatch on the labor market alignment. The study sought to analyze the type and quality of education reforms and innovations that have to be implemented in the education system. This looked forward to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the current curriculum and determine what could be done and assist the proposed new curriculum about to take place in a few months’ time. This would help to align the kind of education offered in our learning institutions and what is expected in the labor markets. The objectives of the 8-4-4 system were to prepare high school graduates for the world of work and provide a foundation for further training in relevant postsecondary institutions. The four dimensions of education in Kenya include; the personal dimension where learners acquire the desired knowledge and skills, the social dimension which involves interactions and socializing with others and the product dimension which is aimed at guiding the learning institutions in order to enable them produce graduates who have adequate skills and knowledge used as an input in the job markets. The Kenyan current 8-4-4 system needs to cater for and put emphasis on the product dimension. The study enabled the researchers to make appropriate recommendations that shall correct the situation. Researchers used qualitative research methodology with a content analysis design which involved intensive study of issues in the area of interest through the study of existing records. Relevant research findings as guidance for initial codes were applied. The critical method enabled the researchers to use a systematic analysis of the literature reviewed and discuss its validity and evaluate its worth. Through this research method, the researchers were able to come up with the recommendations on the ways alignment of subjects taught can be used in Kenyan school in a way to ease the ways to relevant job opportunities.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.849
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