The aim of this study is to investigate the relationships among students’ mathematics self-efficacy, their metacognitive skills in mathematics and their mathematics achievement in relation to their mathematical creativity. The study’s sample consisted of 445 gifted and talented middle school students who attended grades 5, 6, 7, and 8 at 13 Science and Art Centers in 11 cities. For such a correlational study, Mathematics Self-efficacy Scale, Mathematical Creativity Scale, Young Pupils’ Metacognitive Abilities in Mathematics Scale were used. The research findings indicated that mathematical creativity is significantly correlated with mathematical achievement, mathematical metacognition skills and self-efficacy in mathematics, including the three sub-dimensions of self-efficacy, positive self-efficacy, negative self-efficacy and self-efficacy in the use of mathematics in daily tasks. Because the adaptive values of the model are within reasonable boundaries, the model can be regarded as valid. The research model suggests that students’ mathematical creativity is significantly predicted by mathematics self-efficacy, mathematical achievement and mathematical metacognition skills.
Article visualizations:
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