One of the core figures of education system is undoubtfully the teacher who is expected to contribute dramatically to the qualified learning environment both with professional skills and with personal characteristics. Therefore, the need for graduate education and its significance to specialize in maintaining education after Bachelor’s degree has increased so far. In this regard, this research aims to determine teachers’ perspectives regarding the implementation of graduate education to their professional performance. The present study has used interview technique as a qualitative research method and semi-structured interview form including seven open-ended questions as a data collection tool. Totally 28 teachers who receive graduate education in educational sciences department at a Turkish state university in the 2015-2016 academic years participated in the study. Research results have revealed that teachers mostly use the courses learning and teaching environment for preparing lesson plans. They also state that they have difficulty in implementing theoretical courses. As for the contributions of graduate education to teachers’ professional performance, teachers mostly believe that they learn how to teach, and the courses that are more effective in their profession are predominantly thinking education, qualitative research methods and teacher training. Considering the extra courses that teachers want to take, it has been noted that foreign language, education, special education and writing an article are the most emphasized courses. Last but not least, teachers mostly feel themselves self-reliant as they enroll in graduate education; moreover, teachers’ most significant reason for enrolling in graduate education is to update information.
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