The computer game industry has flourished to become the world’s largest entertainment, one of the problem students playing with electronic games for long time without thinking about negative affections especially on their GPA. In this paper to present impact of computer games on creativity and academic achievement of basic school students, we proposed a questionnaires form for 100 students at basic schools. The result of our research explained that the students playing between 1-3 hours per day with electronic games their GPA not decreased or very few which is -0.22% per hour, in same time students that playing more than 3 hours per day their GPA decreased more which is -2.41% per hour. The result help the students to play with electronic games carefully, because if they playing for few hour not return negative affection and sometimes helped them to opining their mind and study, but if playing for more than three hours most time return negative affection for their GPA.
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