Miguel Castro


The training of teachers and kindergarten teachers is central in the educational system. This training not only allows teachers to become scientifically, pedagogically and didactically updated, but it also represents a time for  reflection that helps establish new ways and renew practices, adjusting them to the school reality, which  reflects the general socio-economic context. The formation of a professional group responsible for the education of children and young people has led some teachers to conceptualize and theorize the training, development and the specificity of the profession. Morais and Medeiros, Alarcão and Tavares, Bridge, Canário Nóvoa and Formosinho in Portugal and Marcelo García, Fullan and Hargraves, Day or Guskey are some of the authors who support the need for training and development of the teacher as an actor of change in the system. Moreover, they highlight the necessity of reflection and development of the specific nature of teaching and its practice. In Portugal, the Basic Law on Education (1986) recognizes education as a right of teachers, in order to update and reflect on scientific knowledge and specific skills. This will be the basis of their career. Decree-Law 344/89 was the first to regulate the continuous training process. Today the Decree Law 22 of 2014 regulates the formative aspects of the profession. Despite evolving in the formative approach of teachers, actually it is based on training sessions, workshops and seminars specifically for teachers’ groups, according to the needs identified by schools or induced by the various educational reforms. From 776 surveys to teachers, from the CEFOPNA database, we established the teachers’ views on training - compulsory for their career, but voluntary for their dignity and qualification as professionals. The results show that teachers, although attending the training because it is mandatory, they also do it to be updated and contact with new teaching didactics. In addition to these objectives, the formations become meeting places to exchange experiences and projects that allow self-reflection and professional development, which is as positive as the formation curriculum. Thus, a hypothesis to consider is to take into account for the teaching career evaluation, the frequency of informal spaces (in schools or groups) to exchange experiences and reflections, which can contribute to the development and improvement of the quality of education, as much as the traditional training.


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training of teachers and kindergarten teachers; global development of teachers; CEFOPNA


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.953


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