In this study, it was aimed to determine the levels of the ability of science teaching fourth grade students to transfer their knowledge of astronomy and space sciences to daily life within the scope of the Astronomy and Space Sciences lesson. For this purpose, the research method was designed as the mixed method including both the quantitative and qualitative process, and the sample of the study consisted of 65 students selected with criterion sampling and easily accessible sampling method. The Astronomy and Space Sciences Knowledge Test (ASSKT) was used in order to measure the students’ knowledge of astronomy and space sciences, and the Transfer of the Astronomy and Space Sciences Knowledge to Daily Life Interview Form (TASSDLIF) was used in order to determine the transfer of the astronomy and space sciences knowledge to daily life. The state of the correlation between the ASSKT and TASSDLIF scores of the students was determined in the quantitative part of the study and the levels of students’ ability to transfer the subjects of astronomy and space sciences to daily life were determined in the qualitative part. As a result of the study, a significant, positive and weak level of the relationship was determined between the ASSKT and TASSDLIF scores. It was concluded that there were zero transfer, incomplete transfer and full transfer in the students’ states of the ability to transfer their knowledge of astronomy and space sciences to daily life. The subjects with the highest full transfer are “Finding Directions, Telescopes, and Gravity”, while the subjects with the lowest full transfer are the “Star Distances, Conception of the Universe, and Earth’s Crust”.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.978
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