In this research, the effect of mathematics teaching through Polya’s problem solving steps upon problem solving success of the elementary education 4th grade students was analyzed in terms of various variables. In the study, “pre-test and post-test control-group design” was used semi-experimentally as the research method. In semi-experimental designs, there is an experimental approach in which no random distribution is used for categorizing the individuals as experimental and control groups. However, the participants’ being at a fairly similar quality is regarded. The participants who participated into the study were selected among the 4th grade students studying at two state elementary schools in Adana province in 2014-2015 academic year creating one experimental group and one control group. The data collection tools were student information form and Problem Solving Success Determination Test prepared by the researcher under the control of an expert. Obtained data were transferred into the computer environment using SPSS 22 statistical software. During the data analysis, whether there was a statistical difference between post-test scores of the experimental and control groups was tested using independent groups t-test. For other comparisons, t-test and one-way variance analysis were performed. These results were concluded as result of the analyses. According to t-test results, problem solving success level did not differ significantly according to the age and gender of the students. Problem solving success level differed significantly according to the profession of mother and father. The problem solving success level did not differ significantly according to the socio-economic status of the family. Problem-solving success level significantly differed according to the educational status of mother; however, did not differ significantly according to the educational status of father. In terms of the analysis results on the difference in mathematical problem solving success of the students, it was concluded that success of the students increased in a problem solving process supported with activities and administered with Polya’s problem solving steps accurately.
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