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Erdener, Mehmet Akif, Educational Leadership, Necatibey School of Education, Balıkesir University, Turkey
Erdogan, Tolga, National Defense University Army, NCO Vocational College, 10100 Balikesir, Turkey
Eren, Muhammed Ömer, Physical Education and Sports Teacher, Balıkesir, Turkey
Eren, Zeynep, Assist. Prof. Dr., Sinop University, The Education Faculty, Turkey
Erenler, Alev, Asist. Prof., Sinop University, Turkey
Erenler, Alev, Assist. Prof., Sinop University, Turkey
Ergül, N. Remziye, Uludag University, Education Faculty, Mathematics and Science Education, 16059, Bursa, Turkey
Ergün, Ayşegül, Dr., Manisa Celal Bayar University, Faculty of Education, Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Turkey
Ergün, Ayşegül, Assist. Prof. Dr., Manisa Celal Bayar University, Faculty of Education, Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Turkey
Ergün, Elif, Department of Educational Sciences, Abant Izzet Baysal University, Turkey
Ergünay, Onur, Dr., Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Department of Foreign Languages, Eskisehir, Turkey
Ergen, Yusuf, Bayburt University, Bayburt Education Faculty, Turkey
Ergin, İsmet, Associate Professor Dr., Physics Education Instructor, Maltepe Military High School, Izmir, Turkey
Ergin, Demirali Yaşar, Trakya University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences (retired), Edirne, Turkey orcid.org/0000-0002-1670-4083
Eriş, Firdevs, Yüzüncü Yil Ünversitesi, Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüsekokulu, Van, Turkey
Eriş, Rabia, Ministry of Education, Siirt, Turkey
Erişen, Yavuz, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, Yildiz Technical University, Turkey
Eriba Otor, Emmanuel, Department of Science and Mathematics Education, Benue State University, Makurdi, Nigeria
Erisen, Yavuz, Faculty of Education, Yildiz Teknik University, Istanbul, Turkey
Erita, Yeni, STKIP PGRI West Sumatra, Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Erkul, Raziye, Kafkas University, Faculty of Education, Early Childhood Education Department, Turkey
Ermiş, Sermin Ağralı, Gazi University Faculty of Sport Sciences, Turkey
Ernstberger, Michaela, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, bul. "Tsar Osvoboditel" 15, 1504, Sofia, Bulgaria
Eroğlu, Aysun, Department of Turkish Language Education, Kafkas University, Turkey
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