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Agbo, Maria Charity, Department of Educational Psychology, Federal College of Education, Eha-Amufu, Enugu State, Nigeria
Agbofa, Francis Justice Kwesi, Department of Education, Seventh-day Adventist College of Education, Asokore-Koforidua, Ghana
Agbozo, Korsi Kenneth, Presbyterian College of Education, Ghana
Agbure, Bright, Delta State University Abraka, Nigeria
Agbure, Bright, Delta State University Abraka, Nigeria
Agi, Ugochukwu K., PhD, Faculty of Education, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Agnes, Nabakiibi, School of Education, Makerere University, Uganda
Agogbua, Obianuju Nnenna, Department of Educational Management and Policy, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria
Agripa, Desiree Joy B., Sorsogon State University, Philippines
Aguilar, Gregorio García, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Facultad de Psicología, BUAP, Mexico
Aguilar, Shylene F., Kindergarten Teacher, Sao Khue Kindergarten and Primary School, Vietnam
Aguilon, Sheryl L., Doctor of Education, Major in Educational Management, Teacher 111, Kinablangan Elementary School, Kinablangan, Baganga, Davao Oriental, Philippines Coordinator, Brigada Eskwela, English-Primary Level and President, Teachers’ League, Kinablang
Agure, Awinimi Timothy, Department of Education, Gbewaa College of Education, Pusiga, Ghana
Agustin, Ririn Dwi, Department of Mathematics Education, IKIP Budi Utomo Malang, Indonesia
Agutu, Jeam Otieno, Department of Educational Management and Foundation, Maseno University, Private Bag, Maseno, Kenya
Agyabeng, Stephen, Mathematics Department, Offinso College of Education, Offinso, Ghana
Agyei, Charles Amoah, Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development, Department of Integrated Science, Asante Mampong, Ghana
Agyei, Douglas Darko, Department of Mathematics and ICT Education Faculty of Science and Technology Education College of Education Studies University of Cape Coast, Ghana
Agyei, Edward Boafo, Department of Basic Education, University of Education, Winneba, Ghana
Agyemang, Opoku, Mathematics Department, Offinso College of Education, Ghana
Ahçı, Zeynep Gültekin, Social and Humanity Science Faculty, Psychology Department, KTO Karatay University, Turkey
Ahaji, Khalid, Centre d’Orientation et de Planification de l’Education Rabat, Maroc
Ahami, Ahmed, Equipe de Neurosciences Cliniques, Cognitives et Santé, Laboratoire de Biologie et Santé, Département de Biologie, Faculté des Sciences, Université IBN TOFAÏL, BP. 133, Kenitra, Maroc
Ahbab, Md. Muztaba, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
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