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Gürültü, Ercan, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, Yildiz Technical University, Turkey
Gürbüz, Mustafa Çağrı, Department of Mathematic Education, Faculty of Education, Uludağ University, Turkey
Gürdoğan-Bayır, Ömür, Faculty of Education, Department of Primary Education, Anadolu University, 26480, Eskisehir, Turkey
Gürer, Burak, Gaziantep University, School of Physical Education and Sport, Gaziantep, Turkey
Gürer, Burak, Gaziantep University, School of Physical Education and Sports, Gaziantep, Turkey
Gürler, Muhammed, Ministry of National Education, Turkey
Gürsoy, Recep, Istanbul Gelişim University, School of Physical Education and Sports, Istanbul, Turkey
Güven, Meral, Prof. Dr. Anadolu University, Faculty of Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Eskisehir, Turkey
Gabayno, Jr., Joaquin Gaciles, English Language Center Shinas College of Technology Ministry of Manpower Directorate General Shinas, Sultanate of Oman
Gabe, Joseph B., Notre Dame of Midsayap College, Philippines
Gakunga, Daniel Komo, PhD, Lecturer of Comparative and International Education, University of Nairobi, Kenya
Galani, Alexandra, Department of Primary Education, University of Ioannina, Greece
Galaura, Lenziel L., Professor, EdD, College of Teacher Education, University of Mindanao Main Campus Davao City, Philippines
Gali, Felicita, Department of Education, The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, India
Gambo, O., Department of Educational Management, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife Nigeria
Ganetsos, Theodore, University of West Attica, Athens, Greece
Ganira, Khavugwi Lilian, Department of Educational Communication, Technology and Pedagogical Studies, University of Nairobi, Kenya
Ganira, Khavugwi Lilian, Department of Education Communication, Technology and Pedagogical Studies, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya
Gao, Weijia, Zhejiang International Studies University, Zhejiang, China
Gao, Yongjiu, Dhurakij Pundit University, Thailand
García-Mesa, María Estefanía, Profesora de Educación Secundaria de la Consejería de Educación del Gobierno de Canarias, España
García-Santillán, Arturo, Researcher Professor at UCC Business School, Universidad Cristóbal Colón, México
García-Santillán, Arturo, UCC Business School at Universidad Cristóbal Colón, Veracruz, México
García-Santillán, Arturo, Profesor Investigador y Coordinador del programa doctoral en Ciencias de la Administración en la UCC Business School de la Universidad Cristóbal Colón, México
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