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Haile, Birhanu, Lecturer, Dept. of Educational Planning and Management, Institute of Education and Behavioural Sciences, Dilla University, Dilla, Ethiopia
Haji, Shaibou Abdoulai, Faculty of Education, University of Yaounde I, Cameroon
Haji, Shaibou Abdoulai, Department of Curriculum and Evaluation, University of Yaounde, Cameroon
Hamdan, Ziad, PhD, Hamdan Academy for Higher Education Online
Hanson, Ruby, Department of Chemistry Education, University of Education, Winneba (UEW), Ghana
Hapsari, Kusnindyah Puspito, Education Technology Developer, Open University, Banten, Indonesia
Harerimana, Jean Paul, Dean of Students, Mount Kenya University Rwanda, P.O. BOX 5826, Kigali, Rwanda
Hieu, Hua Hong, Can Tho University, Vietnam
Huang, Qiang, School of English Education, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, P. R. of China
Hung, Luu Nguyen Quoc, Can Tho University, Vietnam
Hung, Luu Nguyen Quoc, Can Tho University, Can Tho, Vietnam
Hussin, Anealka Aziz, Akademi Pengajian Bahasa, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
Huynh, Chi Minh Huyen, Can Tho University, Vietnam
Huynh, Minh Hien, Can Tho University, Vietnam
1 - 15 of 15 Items
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