Lúcia Virginia Mamcasz Viginheski, Sani de Carvalho Rutz da Silva, Elsa Midori Shimazaki, Cleverson Sebastião dos Anjos


The present article is an excerpt of a developed research about Mathematics teaching and the inclusion of students with visual disabilities in regular education. It deals specifically with one possibility of methodological and didactic adaptation for the Notable Products teaching. It presents a qualitative approach, using the case study as a strategy. Its main objective is the development of methodological and didactic procedures that enable students that are visually disabled and are included in regular education to appropriate mathematical knowledge, together with other students. It was based in the plans of Vygotski´s historic-cultural theory for the development of a pedagogical intervention in an 8th grade class of basic education in a public school in Parana, when some mathematical concepts in Geometry, Algebra and Quantities and Measurements were approached, with inference to the Notable Products. The activities were carried out from the teaching stages proposed by Galperin. It was possible to verify that the proposal allowed the students to elaborate the mathematics concepts involved during the didactic sessions, and mainly, that it is possible to teach Mathematics to students that are visually disabled together with the others and that all of them, despite their limitations, are able to organize necessary concepts in order to achieve autonomy and practice their citizenship.


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mathematics teaching, inclusion, visual disability


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