Akhtar Bibi, Muhamad Adnan Khalid, Amina Hussain, Hina Saleem


The Objective of current study was to investigate the relationship between emotional contagion, job satisfaction and different demographic variables among special education teachers. A sample of 80 special education teachers with age range of 20 to 50 years, from all kinds of learning disabilities, more than six months teaching experience were recruited from different special education centers of federal and Punjab. Emotional contagion was measured by Emotional Contagion Scale developed by Doherty (1997) and job satisfaction of teachers was measured by Teaching Satisfaction Scale (TSS) developed by Ho and Au (2002). Result showed that happiness is positively associated with job satisfaction and anger and sadness are negatively associated with job satisfaction, whereas emotions of love and fear were not associated with job satisfaction. Moreover, it has been found that different demographic variables of special education teachers such as education and pay scale are associated with job satisfaction whereas gender, age, job experience and marital status are not associated with job satisfaction. Results suggest that in order to improve job satisfaction of teachers, emotional contagion should be considered. 


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emotional contagion, job satisfaction, special education teachers, students with learning disabilities

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejse.v0i0.1242

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