Evangelos Tsampalas, Sarris Dimitrios, Panagoula Papadimitropoulou, Maria Vergou, Victoria Zakopoulou


The difficulty in reading and writing, spelling mistakes and poor speech are considered as the main elements that characterize students with dyslexia. If one thinks that most of the things in a class are based on writing and reading, then the importance of such a learning difficulty is that it is recognized as soon as possible and with appropriate strategies that people with dyslexia can be helped in their progress. The main aim of the current study was to stress the contribution of early diagnosis of dyslexia to the creation of effective learning environments based on individual learning difficulties, learning styles, and learning paths. To this end, were studied different difficulties in the domains of memory, phonology, grammar, and syntax differentiated the learning styles as well as the strategies of each case, resulting to the implementation of multisensory individualized teaching approaches. Conclusively, early diagnosis of dyslexia as well as multisensory intervention approaches were considered as the most effective factors in the improvement of the two cases learning achievement.  


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejse.v0i0.1254

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