The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of constant time delay instruction with error correction in teaching the skill of identifying the numerals (from 1 to 5) to students with lightly intellectual disability. The experimental design of this study was multiple probe model with probe conditions across subjects which is one of the single subject research models. While the dependent variable of the study was identifying the shown numerals on flash cards by subjects presented by researcher, the independent variable was constant time delay method with error correction in the teaching of skill of telling the numerals. In this study, four students who have the diagnosis intellectual disability were participated. One of the students took a place at the pilot implementation. The research process which was performed by the researcher was organized as instruction, probe, maintenance, generalization and all sessions were proceed for all subjects as one to one instruction. It has been found that constant time delay method with error correction was effective for the skill of identifying numerals by students with lightly intellectual disability. Additionally, it was seen that learned skill after the end of the instruction was maintained and generalized with different materials and conditions.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejse.v0i0.1427
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