This article is part of a master’s research developed about Mathematics teaching and the inclusion of students with deafblindness in the regular education. The research took place as a result of discussions in the Inclusive Education research group, that belongs to the Paraná Federal Technological University, Ponta Grossa campus, and it intended to develop teaching strategies in which all the students, with or without disabilities, used the same material and developed activities regarding the Plane Geometry concepts, effecting, thus, the school inclusion in Mathematics teaching. The research presents a qualitative and quantitative approach, using the case study as a strategy, and was carried out with eleven students of a 9th grade class from a Paraná interior state school, in which there was one student with deafblindness. The participants answered a pre-test, with conceptual questions related to the Plane Geometry and, posteriorly, there was a pedagogical intervention based on the Historical-Cultural Theory, approaching mathematical concepts using adapted manipulatives, giving opportunities to all students to elaborate these concepts. The next step was the post-test application in order to measure the appropriation of concepts by the students. In the test application and pedagogical intervention, the participants were filmed and the recordings were transcribed. The results indicate that teaching strategies with well-defined objectives contribute to the students, with or without disabilities, to develop mathematical concepts.
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