Proios Ioannis, Batsiou Sophia, Proios Miltiadis, Mavrovouniotis Fotis


This study examined the perceived athletic identity and the effect factors that personal and disability-related characteristics (gender, age, family status (married, unmarried), education, occupational status, disability (congenital, acquired), type of disability (e.g., spinal cord injury) form of exercise, type of sport, experience, and form of games) in the formation of the athletic identity people with physical disabilities (n = 140). The participants completed a 7-item, 3-factor model of the Athletic Identity Measure Scale (AIMS; Brewer & Cornelius, 2001). The participants reported (a) a moderate social and exclusivity identity, and (b) strong negative affectivity identity. Additionally, they indicated that factors as family status, level education, disability, form of exercise, athletic experience and type of games affect significantly the formation of the athletic identity dimensions.


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athletic identity, physical disability, people profile, individual differences

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