Julius Abiodun Ademokoya, Patience Ehimhen Igbeneghu


The study investigated knowledge of sexual behaviours and contraceptive use among Adolescents with Learning Disabilities (ALDs) in a Nigerian city. A purposive sampling was used to select 210 participants. Findings showed that the most utilised method of contraception was abstinence (51.0%) though 21.0% had had sexual intercourse and 23.3% had been sexually abused. Age is significantly a determinant of ALDs’ knowledge of sexual behaviour (χ2cal = 278.09, df = 4, p < 0.05) and use of contraceptives (χ2cal = 92.51, df = 4, p < 0.05) while gender is not significantly a determinant factor. Suggestions are made for sexuality education to be intensified in schools for ALDs especially for early adolescents to minimise sexual abuses, unwanted pregnancies and STIs. 


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sexual behaviour, contraceptive use, adolescents, learning disabilities


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