Co- education involves a whole of strategies, practices, perspectives and options all of which allow the admission of typically and non- typically developed children in the General School. The issue, however, remains whether school can be restructured as a place where the equal participation of all children in the educational process and the acceptance of their diversities, are ascertained or not. In the context of the present research which was conducted during the 2014- 2015 school year, views of Greek Kindergarten Teachers (N: 217) and Elementary School teachers (N: 303) in the District of Epirus were assessed, regarding the factors which affect admission in the general school, of children with special educational needs. From the extracted data, the need for the general school to be aptly organized and the educators to work together in the context of a dynamic collaboration, not only with each other, but also with the special and parallel support educators, appeared on the purpose of determining the strategies, the practices, the suitable preconditions and the content of the educational process.
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