The purpose of this study is to present a case report of an autism incident, specifically of a toddler’s, and of an educational intervention program that was built in order to promote his inclusion in the group and to compensate for adjustment difficulties. The paper presents a description of an educational experience through presentation of an autism incident and the analysis of the educational intervention and strategies followed. In particular, the educational intervention was implemented in a Centre for the design and implementation of personalized and group education programs, which creates a variety of social stimuli of inclusion philosophy towards the child and the design and implementation of each program is based on working with the family. Overall, various forms of organizing the education of the child with autism were intentionally used, due to the variety of special educational needs which appear in this category of children and flexible access to a wide range of opportunities required. Finally, it should be noted that after the daily review of child performance data and decision-making on the part of the educator, on the teaching strategy that was being promoted each time, this child had obvious progress in the way of approaching and communicating within the team, as well as in issues of self-service, as well as fine and tangible mobility. Apparently, his communication and social skills have been improved to a good extent and his inclusion has proved to be a realistic goal in the context of this systematic pedagogical intervention.
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