Elli Samara, Vasiliki Ioannidi


Leisure programs can play an important role in the education, socialization and development of children. On the other hand, the trend of the modern age is the inclusion of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. If leisure time activities can be combined with integration, an effective outcome can be achieved with multiple benefits. In addition, the type of activities that children choose and their performance in them can play an important role in integrating them into the peer group. The purpose of this article is to present an educational program as an example of an inclusive approach to leisure. This program aimed at recognizing and accepting diversity in an experiential manner. The article presents the three meetings that took place with first-year children, as well as the results of these meetings. Through this program the children came in contact with concepts that even adults have difficulty discussing and understood the difficulties a person with disabilities may face.


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diversity, disability, educational activities, leisure time program

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