This paper examines the involvement of the government in the development of education for the Visually Impaired (VI) persons in Kenya from the time such education was established to the present. The paper presents the government’s hand in the strides made and the challenges experienced in the development of education through the years. In documenting the involvement of the government, the researchers employed the use of a historical research design in data collection, analysis and interpretation. Data was evaluated through external and internal criticisms. The historical inquiry was done by collection of archival data through archival research, collection of data through interviews and research into secondary materials in libraries. Data collected was analyzed qualitatively through triangulation and deduction of themes. The research findings in the paper provide an overview of the state of education for the VI learners in Kenya. The research findings reveal that whereas the government may not have done much towards supporting education for the VI, the government still played a significant role that has led to the current improved access to education for the VI learners in Kenya.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejse.v0i0.2438
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