This paper seeks human resources for students with special needs in the University of Bamenda compromises the implementation of inclusive education in the higher education setting. In order to answer to this objective, this study used as sample population of 315 respondents conveniently selected from 3 Departments in some schools in the University of Bamenda to answer questionnaires. For interviews, five students with visual and physical impairments were purposively selected. This study used a cross sectional survey design to assess different cohorts of the same respondent population such as sex, age, and educational levels. The purposive sampling technique was used to select the area of study and the schools while the convenient sampling technique was used to select the sample of 315 respondents for the quantitative approach. From data collected and analyzed using the chi square to measure the association between variables and testing of hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance, the findings revealed 73.4% (231) of the participants agreed that inadequate personnel is a challenge to the implementation of inclusive education while 26.6% (84) disagreed to this fact. Following the findings, it was recommended that training forums are organised to raise the awareness of staff, public officials, school administrators and teachers, to promote positive attitudes to the education of children with disabilities. This will increase sensitivity to the rights of children with disabilities thus enhancing the teaching-learning experiences of these students in the University of Bamenda.
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