This research was carried out to determine the dimensions of social exclusion in the institutional, economic and psychosocial aspects of visually impaired individuals. This research, which was designed in mixed research method, was done by using descriptive survey design. In the framework of the study, the study group consists of 30 visually impaired individuals who are active members of the Turkish Cypriot Visually Impaired Individuals Association in Nicosia. As a data collection tool, a semi-structured interview form consisting of 32 questions, open and closed ends, was used to examine the lives of the visually impaired. The quantitative data obtained are presented quantitatively by using SPSS (statistical program for social sciences). Content analysis was used for qualitative data. It has been concluded that people with visual disabilities have been excluded from the physical environment, employment, education and health areas and psychosocial aspects due to the negative attitudes of the media and society towards the disabled.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejse.v0i0.2473
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