University studies on teaching and pedagogy consists of great importance for the education of students during their school years. The different characteristics of the students’ population demand the knowledge and abilities in order for the teachers to meet their needs and to successfully facilitate their adaptation in the academic and social school environment. Consequently, it is important to study pedagogy students’ attitudes toward the students with special educational needs and their inclusion in the general education system. In the present study, participated 348 preschool and primary education students, who completed the “Attitudes toward Inclusive Education Scale” (Wilczenski, 1992; 1995). Results showed that the students hold neutral attitudes toward the inclusion of students with physical disabilities and academic difficulties, but they express favorable attitudes concerning the inclusion of students with behavior problems and social difficulties. Attitudes are compared to other variables that affect students’ predispositions. It is important for the University departments to follow a continuous training on the special needs and inclusion, in order for the future teachers to be prepared to teach in diverse school context.
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