Hassan Maajeeny


Educating children with emotional and behavioral disorders presents many challenges for special educators and administrators. The unmet social-emotional needs for those children make them vulnerable to life challenges and put them at high risk for critical situations. This paper examines Positive Behavior Intervention and Support approach as a suggested therapeutic program to address the needs of all children including children with special needs. We explore some features of the therapeutic classroom for children with emotional and behavioral disorders such as effective classroom strategies, student-teacher interaction, and essential support outside the school environment. Additionally, teacher shortage as a related issue is discussed along with recommendations to address the issue. We explore some obstacles that prevent the success of such approaches and suggestion to overcome those obstacles. Finally, we provide an overview of the Karner Blue Educational Center as an example of a therapeutic program designed specifically to address the needs of children with Autism, Emotional/Behavioral Disorders, and Cognitive disabilities.


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therapeutic classroom, PBIS, emotional disorders, effective practices

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