Aynur Gici Vatansever, Emine Ahmetoğlu


Montessori stated that the most critical purpose of education is making the children discover themselves and achieve their freedom. Children, whether they are typically developed or have mental disorders, are born with a competence named “absorptive mind” which helps mental activities to emerge. For mental activities to begin to emerge, the child is given a number of keys in a “prepared environment”. When all children are given freedom in a prepared environment, then they feel “happy and motivated” towards a specific skill or knowledge in their sensitive period. When they are allowed to use the equipment freely, they will do practice with it and never get tired of repeated practices. “Repetition” has a key role in “enhancing focused attention, mental strength and ability to grasp and understand”. This review article describes and discusses the Montessori pedagogy and its one type of material, practical life skills.


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Montessori pedagogy, Montessori materials, practical life skills, special education

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejse.v0i0.2720

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