Fevziye Ertekin, Başak Bağlama


This study aims to examine general trends in the postgraduate thesis on sexual education carried out in Turkey. Document analysis as one of the qualitative research methods was used in the study. Thesis were obtained by searching “sexual education” keyword in National Thesis Center of YOK (Turkey Higher Education Council). Based on the search, 17 theses between the years of 1990 and 2018 were obtained and included in the study. Thesis were examined with content analysis based on certain criteria including year, university, institute, department, title of thesis supervisor, research method, data collection tool, data analysis method, sample group, research subject and province. Results were presented with tables and figures showing the frequencies and percentages. Results showed that most of thesis were carried out in Institute of Educational Sciences and department of psychology. Quantitative research method and scales were the most frequently used research method and data collection tool. Mostly, sample group of thesis consisted of teachers.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejse.v6i1.3055

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