Zahra Ejaz, Nasreen Rafiq, Rabia Zubair, Hina Saleem


This study was meant to explore preadolescents’ (8-13 years) perception of violent television content and the degree to which they like and watch such programs and the reasons for watching them. Firstly, an open ended questionnaire was developed using an interview guide and administered upon 10 preadolescents. Secondly, it was administered after pilot testing to children from the schools of Islamabad and Rawalpindi (n=100). Content analysis was applied on the data using emergent coding (data-driven). Results indicated that the favorite genres turned out to be cartoons, crime shows and comedy shows. Pre-adolescents perceived violence in the television content, liked that violence, and identified with the aggressive heroes. Thus, most of the program telecast in Pakistan comprise of truly violent content perceivable and liked by children; which is an alarming signal for parents, media authorities and the children’s personality.


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preadolescents, violence, aggression, media and television

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