Mine Kizir


This research was conducted to determine the opinions and experiences of students with special needs regarding special education offered within resource rooms (RRs). To this end, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 22 participants. The research employed the phenomenological method, one of the qualitative research methods. Descriptive analysis was used to analyze the data obtained from the interviews. In order to achieve validity and reliability in the study, “credibility,” “transferability,” and “confirmability” were all established. The students’ opinions and findings can be summarized as follows: special needs students mostly receive educational support as part of their academic (basic/culture) courses in RRs; that they usually learn new subjects or review prior learned subjects; that instead of the IEP team, it is either the students’ parents or their teachers alone who are involved in the course selection process; that the students also want to be involved in this process; that they are mostly pleased with the current RR settings, but still want dedicated RRs in schools; that gifted students prefer attending RRs outside of normal school hours, while others prefer attending during school hours as they face difficulties learning lessons in general education classrooms; that students have varying opinions about their peer relationships; that those who express negative opinions about their peer relationships were exposed to peer bullying; that they have good relationships with their teachers; and that they consider RRs to be an efficient educational practice that positively contributes to their academic achievement.

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resource room, special education, students with special needs, inclusive education, student feedback

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejse.v6i3.3295

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