Jordan Nyirenda, Joyce T. Sibanda-Kunda, Juliet Chibwe


This manuscript is about challenges of inclusive education on academic performance of students with visual impairment at Munali Boy’s Secondary School. The objectives of the study were to find out the attitude of teachers and sighted students towards the inclusion of students with visual impairment into regular classes. It also sought to examine the academic performance of performance of students with visual impairment in inclusive settings. It further wanted to establish subjects in which students with visual impairment face difficulties. A descriptive survey design was adopted in which 42 participants were purposively selected. The study revealed that, although teachers and sighted students have a fair understanding of inclusive schooling, they give positive attention to students with visual impairment. It also revealed that students with visual impairment face academic challenges at Munali Boys’ which include teachers’ inability to use embossed teaching and learning aids during lesson, lack of individualised attention, mobility challenges, and their pace of teaching does not support the learning of students with visual impairment. The study established that although, inclusive education is fully accepted at Munali Boy’s Secondary School, students with visual impairment are not included in mathematics and sciences related subjects.

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inclusive schooling, mainstream, visual impairment, orientation, mobility

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