Konstantina Spyropoulou


Deafblindness constitutes a dual sensory impairment that is caused by acquired or congenital factors. Assistive technology has converted learning into an approachable good for them. Based on the literature review, braille turned out the most effective assistive device that promotes deafblind (DB) children’s literacy. However, education without human contribution cannot operate properly. For that reason, teachers play a vital role in children’s learning development and can act as the mediators of the provided knowledge. The educational personnel has to bear in mind that every DB child has unique necessities. Consequently, it is imperative need to teach them the suitable combination of methods and techniques consolidated with their knowledge and experience. This research study will employ the methodology of qualitative research as well as the method of semi-structured interviews with teachers of DB students, in order to discover efficient strategies of teaching braille that could build children’s literacy in the school environment.

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deafblindness, assistive technology, braille literacy, teaching strategies

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejse.v6i4.3487

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