Nihal Sen, Ahmet Yıkmış


The purpose of this study was to determine the reinforcement practices of special education teachers in mathematics teaching. Phenomenology (phenomenology) design, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the study. The study group consists of 10 special education teachers. In the study, purposeful sampling method was used to determine the study group, while the semi-structured interview technique was used to collect the data in the study. The obtained data were analyzed using content analysis technique. According to the results of the study, it was observed that teachers preferred secondary reinforcers more than primary reinforcers; it was also observed that the continuous reinforcement schedule was mostly used. Teachers mostly used interview and observation methods and the empirical assessment methods were less frequently used to determine effective reinforcers. In order to increase the effectiveness of reinforcement practices in mathematics teaching, teachers emphasized that reinforcers should be appropriate for the age, interests and wishes of students and reinforcement practices should be evaluated at regular intervals.

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special education, mathematics teaching, reinforcement

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