Mohd. Faijullah Khan, Mohd. Ansar Alam


Having to take care of children with developmental disabilities can affect parents not only in their psychological well-being but also affect physical well-being. Taking care of a child with special needs can be a growing experience or it can become stressful depending on how a parent perceives the event. Depending on the cognitive appraisal and the person-environment interaction, parents can either engage in positive behaviours of dealing with the disability or indulge in poor coping behaviour which will have adverse impact physically as well as psychologically. The present article attempts to highlight the various ways of coping used by parents to deal with their children’s disabilities. Review of research papers suggests some clear differences between affected parents and non-affected parents on use of different types of coping strategies along with various moderating factors like education, income, social support available, socio-economic conditions, and type of coping used. There were also findings on how mothers differ from the fathers in their coping behaviours when dealing with disabilities.


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coping, parents, developmental disabilities


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