Asimina Riga, Vasiliki Ioannidi, Nikolaos Papayiannis


This article deals with current issues of modern pedagogical practices incorporated in Special and Inclusive Education and touches upon Social Stories as a supplementary powerful learning tool especially in cases of children with autism and other similar communication deficits. According to our literature review, Social Stories better respond to the needs and abilities of the children personality regardless of their age by presenting a considerable amount of social information and best describing social schemata and situations. Also, they provide guidance for socially appropriate attitudes and behaviors, encouragement and support in learning and educational setting, both verbally and visually supported. To set the theoretical frame of this topic, an overview of social constructivism theory and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology are provided. Moreover, what is also under discussion in this article relates to the new digital challenges that have lately emerged after the combination of Social Stories with ICTs.

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social stories, inclusive learning, information technology, digital challenges

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