Martin Obiero Okumu, Margaret W. Murugami, Lubna M. Mazrui


The purpose of this paper is to report some of the findings of a study which investigated the influence of mathematics Braille proficiency on mathematics performance among learners with visual impairment in selected special secondary schools in Kenya. In this study, descriptive design was used with a sample size of 55 respondents comprising of head teachers, mathematics teachers and learners with visual impairment in two special secondary schools. The study respondents were purposively sampled. Findings on the level of mathematics braille proficiency possessed by learners with visual impairment; and the relationship between mathematics Braille skills and mathematics performance are reported. These findings demonstrate a very low level of mathematics Braille skills; and there was a significant positive relationship between mathematics braille proficiency and mathematics performance, particularly among touch readers. These findings confirmed that lack of mathematics braille proficiency contributed to poor mathematics performance. On the basis of these findings, some recommendations are provided.

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mathematics Braille proficiency, learners with visual impairment, mathematics performance

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