Pinelopi Chousou, Thomas Simos, Evdoxia Sakellaropoulou


In the present study we investigated the relationship between Epstein’s components of constructive thinking and Teaching Self-Efficacy of Greek special educators. For that purpose, a web questionnaire was sent to special and general education teachers and a research causal model was designed to define relations between variables. The research sample consisted of 214 special educators and general education teachers from the public education system in Greece. Data gathered by utilizing Constructive Thinking Inventory [CTI] and The Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale [TSES] research tools. Data analysis revealed a statistically significant correlation of various components of constructive thinking with Teaching Self-Efficacy. In addition, it has been found that a high degree of constructive thinking increases the Teaching Self-Efficacy of special educators. Finally, we compared the teaching self-efficacy between special and general educators.

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constructive thinking, special educator’s self-efficacy, teachers’ sense of efficacy

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