Faruk Salih Şeker, Hüseyin Çamlıyer


Our study tried to assess the effect of the Special Movement Education Program on the balance skills of children with intellectual disabilities. We used the experimental design of 23 children with intellectual disabilities between the ages of seven and ten in a special education and rehabilitation center in Burdur, Turkey formed the study group. We applied the Basic Movement Training Program designed to develop balance skills to the experimental group. We practiced 22 courses of 45 minutes two days a week for 11 weeks before and after the application. The study continued for 13 weeks. We used Sensory Profile Test, Pediatric Balance Scale, Flamingo Balance Test, Balance Test on Walking Device, Standing Test on Balance Device, and Balance Measurement Device data collection tools. Mann Whitney U Test and Wilcoxon Test, which are non-parametric tests, were used in this study. We found a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores of the experimental group. The finding results revealed that children with intellectual disabilities improved their balance skills with movement training.


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intellectual disability, movement training, balance skill, sensory profile, sensory integration

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