Few studies have been conducted in Greece focusing on the inclusion of pupils with Intellectual Disability (ID) in general classes. The aim of this quantitative study was to explore the attitudes of Special Education Teachers (SETs or SET) towards the inclusion of pupils with ID in general classes. A structured questionnaire was sent out. It consisted of 10 demographic questions and of 6 structured closed-ended questions about the inclusion of this group of pupils in general classes, using a 5-point Likert scale. The study sample consisted of 150 SETs [129 (86%) females and 21 (14%) males]. The questionnaire data were analysed via descriptive and inferential statistics (SPSS version 21). The results of the research showed that the majority of SETs had a positive attitude towards the fact that the special and general education teacher should jointly adapt the classroom according to the needs of the pupil with ID and that inclusive education is appropriate for these pupils. The SETs had a neutral to positive attitude about whether pupils with ID should be educated in general settings with pupils without disabilities and whether they should be removed less frequently from general education settings in order to be given more help with their difficulties. Finally, there were some dependent variables that played a major role in participants' responses, such as education, work experience, work and the structure of employment. In conclusion, SETs point out that they are in favour of the inclusion of pupils with ID. Finally, the results of the study are discussed.
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