Adam Awini, Eugenia Tawiah Adam, Alexander Gariba


Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) are in every community in Ghana. They are often marginalized in many spheres of life including education, families and access to public places, due to the misconceptions held about their capabilities. Even though policies and documents on the education of PWDs exist, certain considerations such as access, participation, and recognition which are fundamental, are often overlooked. This paper critically examines the nuances of the above factors by identifying some problems PWDs encounter in their quest for education. Data for this study were solicited from policy documents and fieldwork. Content analysis of policies and documents on the education of PWDs in Ghana and their experiences in Educational Institutions were discussed. Interviews and focused group discussions on the experiences of PWDs were the instruments for the study. Participants were sampled based on a simple random technique. Thirteen (13) respondents including 10 students and 3 teachers participated in the study. The study revealed that despite the various policies on the education of PWDs, they are not reflective of the situation in the schools and institutions. Some PWDs are being discriminated against and not given much recognition in their schools. Also, the environment in their institutions is not disability friendly. The paper suggests a standardized implementation plan and much advocacy on the policies for the education of PWDs. Finally, more teachers should be given the training to acquire the requisite skills needed for supporting PWDs’ education.


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disability, education, policies, experience

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